Are You Frugal? 7 Money Saving Secrets That Will Transform Your Finances
If you are struggling with your finances and working hard to make ends meet, you might want to take a page from your more frugal neighbors. Frugal folks come from all walks of life and many different backgrounds, but they tend to have a few things in common.
Learning the ways of the frugal may not come naturally, especially if you are used to a life of overspending and debt. Even so, you can adapt those frugal ways, so you can take back control of your checkbook and focus on what is really important. Here are seven money-saving tips your frugal friends would love to share.
So, Are You Frugal? Here are 7 Money Saving Secrets That Will Transform Your Finances…
1. They focus on quality and reliability.
From clothing to cars, reliability and quality matter a lot to the frugal. Those money smart folks know that top quality is sometimes worth a higher price, and that value is the true indicator of usefulness.
2. They check out used products first.
The frugal know that used can be better than new, and you can learn from their example. The wealthy can often be found happily browsing the racks at the local thrift store or pulling to the side of the road for a killer yard sale.
3. They repair it instead of throwing it away.
When those reliable products and used goods stop working, the frugal look beyond the trash can. They know that many things can be easily fixed, and they learn the skills they need to make simple repairs.
4. They gravitate to store brands and generics.
Frugal folks know that the best products often come in the plainest packages. They seek out store brands and choose generic groceries when they can, pocketing the savings and enjoying delicious and low cost meals.
5. They plan ahead.
The frugal among us buy patio furniture in the winter and parkas in the summer. They know that planning ahead and shopping in the off season is a great way to save money on everything they want and need.
6. They hate waste.
Frugal grocery shoppers work hard to score those bargains – the last thing they want is to throw those foodstuffs away. Frugal people hate waste, and they look for creative ways to use up leftovers and keep food out of the trash.
7. They do not view shopping as recreation or therapy.
Frugal people know that shopping recreationally or viewing the mall as a therapy center is a dangerous thing to do. When they are feeling stressed, they talk a walk in the woods – not the local shopping center.
If you are tired of struggling with debt and worrying about your spending, it is time to change your ways. There is a lot to learn from the frugal among us, and the sooner you start emulating their habits the better off you will be.