• How do I Raise Financially Savvy Kids?

    How to Raise Financially Savvy Kids

    How do I Raise Financially Savvy Kids? - Study after study has shown that both poverty and financial security tend to follow generational trends. Children who are born into well-to-do families are more likely than their less well-off peers to finish college and enjoy success in their careers. At the same time, the children of impoverished parents are more likely than most to follow in the footsteps of those who went before, and breaking that…

  • Tips to Teach Your Teenagers to Be Smart with Money

    Tips to Teach Your Teenagers to Be Smart with Money

    Teach Your Teenagers to Be Smart with Money...It is our goal as parents to teach our children how to behave when they grow up. Not only does this include how hard they work and how they treat others, but it also includes how they handle money. If you are struggling with debt, it can be hard to teach them how to be smart with money. You are supposed to show them how to be smart…

  • 3 Ways I Saved Over 33% On Summer Childcare

    3 Ways I Saved Over 33% On Summer Childcare

    3 Ways I Saved Over 33% On Summer Childcare - How do you save money on daycare for the summer? Here are three ways I saved over 33% on summer childcare. First, explore the summer camp environment versus a full-time daycare or childcare facility. Second, register early. Registering early usually provides a discount. Lastly, if you can, pay for the entire summer tuition in advance when a cash discount is possible.