Change Your Mindset, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Healing Trauma, How to Change Yourself, Meditation, Mental Health
What Does it Mean to Synchronize Your Energy?
What Does it Mean to Synchronize Your Energy? Synchronizing your energy, as discussed in the context of Joe Dispenza’s teachings and other similar practices, refers to aligning and harmonizing your…
Change Your Mindset, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Healing Trauma, How to Change Yourself, Meditation, Mental Health
Explaining Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Meditation Process
Explaining Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Meditation Process - Joe Dispenza’s meditation process is designed to help individuals shift their mental and emotional states to facilitate personal transformation and healing.
What is EMDR?
What is EMDR - What is EMDR? EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is a psychotherapy approach that was developed by Francine Shapiro in the late 1980s…
What is Brainspotting? How Brainspotting Therapy Treats Unresolved Trauma
What is Brainspotting? How Brainspotting Therapy Treats Unresolved Trauma - Brainspotting therapy is a relatively new and innovative therapeutic approach that was developed by Dr. David Grand in 2003. It…
Brainspotting Therapy Experience – Session 1
Brainspotting Therapy Experience - Session 1 - It was like being hypnotized with my eyes wide open and I saw all kinds of strange wispy things.
Repeating The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) Therapy
Repeating The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) Therapy - The Safe and Sound Protocol is an evidence-based therapeutic tool designed to reset the nervous system and return it to safety.…
6 Ways to Heal Trauma without Medication
6 Ways to Heal Trauma without Medication - Bessel van der Kolk is a psychiatrist noted for his research in the area of post-traumatic stress since the 1970s. His work…