How to Stock Your Pantry to Make Almost Anything?
What is in a fully stocked kitchen pantry in order to make nearly any meal? Not as much as you would think. You can go all out and buy the entire list of pantry staples provided here. If you don’t cook a variety of dishes and cuisines, buy what meets your needs. Let’s not waste ingredients or your hard-earned cash. Stock Your Pantry to Make Almost Anything
It used to irritate me when I would be missing one ingredient to make a recipe. When you first start cooking, you lack the knowledge of herbs and spices that go into different types of cuisine. You think you have all of the ingredients, and then you’re missing one! You sigh and then contemplate whether to make the recipe without that ingredient or take a trip to the store.
There are certain staples that should be in every kitchen, regardless of the type of cooking you enjoy doing. The idea is to be able to put together a meal without having to head to the store just to pick up missing staple ingredients. Below you will find a list of essential ingredients that you should have on hand to make nearly anything.

Dry Foods
With the right selection of dry foods, you will never have to wonder what to make for dinner again. There are a myriad of recipes that call for rice or pasta as the base ingredient and all you need in addition are a few condiments and spices to create a delicious meal. These are arguably the most important items on your grocery list.
- Long-grain White Rice
- Medium to Long Grain Brown Rice
- Basmati Rice
- Farfalle
- Angel Hair Pasta
- Spaghetti
- Penne
- Rigatoni
- Fettuccine
- Pappardelle
- Fusilli
- Ditalini Pasta
- Macaroni
- Gnocchi
- Ravioli Lasagna
- Puffed Rice or Wheat
- Bran
- Corn Flakes
- Cracked Wheat
- Orzo
- Couscous
Dried Soup Mixes (used to season meals)
- French Onion
- Vegetable
Dried Beans
- Black Beans
- White Beans
- Pinto Beans
- Kidney Beans
- Navy Beans
- Lentils
- Lima Beans
- Black-eyed Peas
- Cannellini Beans
- Great Northern Beans
- Chickpeas
- Fava Beans
- Red Beans
Canned Goods
There are times when you need to feed people fast. That’s where canned foods come in. They make it easy to make a fast meal that tastes great and can be added to other staple ingredients to create a truly wonderful meal. Whether you are short on time or just need a shortcut, canned goods are just the thing to have around.
- Beans (see list above)
- Tuna
- Soups (cream of chicken, cream of mushroom, etc. can be used alone or with rice or pasta for a heartier dish)
- Fruit Salad / Canned Fruit
- Tomatoes
Fresh Ingredients
While it is good to have a supply of stock dry and canned ingredients, it is just as important to have fresh items on hand to round out the meal. Dairy products and fruit can bring a dish to life and add valuable nutrition at the same time. The majority of these items will need to be kept in the refrigerator to help them last longer.
These ingredients are ones that you will most likely be using on a consistent basis. For example, milk and eggs are used in pretty much every baking recipe. Keep an eye on expiry dates and make sure to use the ingredients before they go bad.
- Milk
- Yogurt (plain works best with most recipes)
- Eggs
- Cheese (cheddar and mozzarella)
- Sour cream
- Cottage cheese
- Cream cheese
Fruits and Vegetables
You will want to add your favorites to this category, as it is based mostly on preferences. What is the point of having a bowl of apples if you never eat them? If you like salad, add more salad ingredients to your shopping list. Prefer to cook your veggies? Then you might want to think about adding squash and similar items to the list.
- Apples
- Oranges
- Lemons
- Limes
- Lettuce
- Tomatoes
- Celery
- Onions
- Mushrooms
- Potatoes
- Carrots

Remember that not all meat has to be kept in the refrigerator. You can and should freeze things like chicken breasts and ground beef if you won’t be using them right away. They can be thawed under warm running water or in the microwave when you need them, just be sure not to leave raw meat at room temperature for more than a couple of hours.
Fast thawing methods are preferable over leaving the meat out all day to thaw. If you must thaw slowly, do it in the refrigerator and allow at least 12 hours for a pound of ground beef or a package of chicken breasts. Smaller items, such as bacon and shrimp will be ready sooner.
- Bacon
- Lunch meats (ham, bologna, salami, etc.)
- Chicken
- Beef
- Ground beef
- Shrimp
Baking Supplies
Having the right ingredients on hand to bake a cake or turn out a batch of yummy chocolate chip cookies means you’ll be tempted to do it more often. When unexpected company arrives, you won’t be struggling to find what you need to make up some quick baking powder biscuits or dumplings. Here is a list of baking ingredients that you should always have in your pantry.
- Flour (also handy for thickening homemade sauces)
- Baking powder
- Cornstarch (also used for homemade sauces and soup)
- Sugar (brown, white, and confectioner’s sugar)
- Yeast (keep this in the fridge for a longer shelf life)
- Unsweetened cocoa powder
- Powdered milk
- Unsweetened baking chocolate
- Chocolate chips (you may also want to stock butterscotch or peanut butter chips)
- Light corn syrup
- Margarine
- Vanilla extract (if you bake a lot, consider stocking almond and mint extract as well)
- Honey
- Molasses
- Raisins (other dried fruit can be added, if you wish, dried apricots, prunes, etc.)

Herbs and Spices
Without these special add-ins, meals would be boring! When you have a variety of spices and herbs on hand, you can turn out delicious meals easily.
If you enjoy a more exotic style of cooking, you can include the herbs and spices that are unique to that cuisine as this list is just to get you started. For example, Indian cuisine uses curry powder and saffron, while Asian food calls for lemongrass, among other things.
Herbs are always better fresh, but since they don’t last long, even in the refrigerator, you should have a good supply of high-quality dried ones in your cupboard. Look for dried herbs that smell strongly, as this means that they still contain much of the essential oil that gives them their flavor.
- Parsley
- Basil
- Oregano
- Thyme
- Bay Leaves
- Garlic powder
You can never have too many spices! Here is a basic list to start with, but feel free to add more to your collection. Since spices are used in relatively small amounts, one bottle goes a long way, and you can afford to buy a new spice each time you do your grocery shopping.
- Paprika
- Pepper
- Chili powder
- Dry mustard
- Peppercorns
- Ground cinnamon
- Ground cloves
- Nutmeg
- Ginger powder
We tend to think of condiments in simple terms, such as peanut butter and salt. However, this category covers everything from vinegar and oil to cooking wines and barbeque sauce. Each ingredient can be used to enhance an existing dish and again, you can add to the list if you prefer a more exotic cooking experience.
- Ketchup
- Mustard (both yellow and Dijon)
- Mayonnaise
- Bouillon cubes (chicken and beef, or vegetarian cubes)
- Salt
- Vinegar (white, red wine, apple cider, and balsamic)
- Oil (olive, avocado, and vegetable)
- Wine (red and white, avoid cooking wines as they contain salt)
- Soy sauce
- Barbeque sauce
- Peanut butter
- Jams and jellies
- Worcestershire sauce
- Tomato paste (you may also want to have tomato sauce on hand)
- Maple syrup
- Salad dressings
The lists given above are meant to give you a good base to work with. However, you know yourself and your family best and you should adjust the ingredients to fit your own lifestyle and preferences. It may take a little time to set everything up, but once your pantry is stocked, it will be easy to maintain, and you will be able to cook pretty much anything you like.
The best way to make sure you don’t run low on pantry items is to keep a comprehensive inventory list. Each time you use something, mark it on the list. At the end of the week or month, you can simply look at the inventory and see exactly what you need to buy. It’s a good idea to double-check the refrigerator and cupboards as well, in case someone else has used an ingredient without marking it down.
Items such as condiments and spices will rarely need to be replaced as they tend to last a long time. However, fresh ingredients like milk and cheese will most likely need to be bought on a weekly basis, depending on the consumption rate and how long they are good for. Always check expiry dates.
Having a well-stocked pantry means that you will never have to run out to the store again just to finish making a decent dinner. You will also find that you are more inspired to cook when you have everything you need at your fingertips. Instead of reading through tasty recipes and wondering if you have what you need, you will be able to simply choose what you want to make and get started!