Jaylee’s Blog #2-I started Pristiq Sunday night.
I started Pristiq Sunday night. No side effects so far. I don’t feel any different. This week has been rough. I was scurrying to finish this huge custom job. I finished 2/3 of it. Now the job is at a standstill as the girl who took over tries to figure things out. It sounds like I’ll get paid for what I’ve done.
The guy I was working with left the company and didn’t inform any one of all the duplicate orders he placed that he told me to go forward with. The weird thing is he responded to ALL of my emails about who I was going to work with next like they would be completely informed and aware. I had to send all those emails to the girl who took over. She’s just as confused and dumbfounded as I am. It’s been a gut twisting situation. Mainly because my bank account is now in the red paying for materials for their job. I can use most of it for other jobs, but it’s a 6+ month supply! Holy cash flow roller coaster coming my way as it’s my slow time of year. I wiped out half my company emergency fund this morning to keep current with my vendors. ????
On the health front...
My GP called with my lab results Monday and my vitamin D levels are at a 9! I’m sure that’s contributing to my meh mood and anxiety. I started some crazy 50,000 IU of Vitamin D supplements that I have to take once a week for the next 15 weeks.
Even though I’m down about work stuff, I’m okay.
- Blog – I’ve Lost Someone Close To Me
- Jaylee’s Blog #2-I started Pristiq Sunday night.
- Jaylee’s Blog #1-It’s time to take some time and disappear to reinvent without distraction or influence.
- When Hugs Hurt